Use for media products (Books, Music, Videos, and DVDs), including their Shipping Settings. To upload your inventory by assigning your offers to existing products in the Amazon catalogue. General templates (not category specific) Template Name For example, we display the refinement 'Cuff Type' to customers in the Men's Dress Shirt browse node, but not to customers in the Electronics node. We use the refinements to improve the Customer discovery experience. BTGs also contain required refinements for each listing and Valid Values. Browse Tree Guidesīrowse Tree Guides (BTGs) contain the same information as the Product Classifier tool. Additional templates are available to create or update listings in all categories when the target products are already available in the Amazon catalogue.įor detailed instructions on how to create an inventory file using the inventory file template, see Building your inventory file.
Most inventory file templates are designed for a specific product category. Sellers use inventory file templates to upload listings to Amazon.
An inventory file template is a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet that contains multiple data columns for describing your products.